The Difference between America’s “War flag” and “Peace flag”


While most of us get ready to watch the fireworks on this day of “Independence”, we will either see or be wearing the American flag. Something has to be said about the flag we pledge allegiance to. While we all know of the flag pictured above, it has a meaning. It is known as a “Military Flag” or a “War Flag. It’s only to be used during times of war, or when the country is engaged in or is under military rule. Even if all the wars ended and all we had was the occupations left, this flag would still fly. This flag has been used since the Civil War. And has been the only flag that most people in this country has ever seen.



And this one here is known as the “Civil Flag” or the “Peace flag”. It is only to be used during times of peace, or when the country isn’t under any kind of military operations. The last time this flag was used was before the Civil War.  Some have said that the idea of two flags for the United States of America is just a myth. But in fact every country has a “War” flag and a “Peace” flag. Thanks for taking a moment to check out the blog. I’ll let you enjoy the rest of your evening on this day of Independence.




  1. J.N. Garinger said:

    I think it`s TIME, to arrest ALL the FRAUDS in the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the Department of Justice & the “Illegal Alien ” in the White House. Then we need to repeal EVERYTHING , that Barry Soetoro signed & everyone that he appointed !!!

    • Leroy said:

      I Concur. Retroactively.

      • Anon said:

        And Who should arrest them? The “Police”? 😦

    • sgwilliams said:

      We do need to remove every one of them and replace them with actual People from “We the People” not the groomed and breed political tyrants we are creating in our Ivy league schools. I think one of the new requirements must be that any of these political seats cannot be people who wish to serve but are chosen by the people for the people. Only then can they relate to our needs and speak for us.

      • Sharee Jacobs said:

        Yes, I completely agree. Now, how can this be done? That is the question.

    • AJ: Homyak said:

      Impeachment in House & Senate of a current or previous President ends all of their policies, orders, executive or otherwise, etc. as if to be nullified. Posthumously if need be, as well.

  2. BrotherPatriot said:

    Thank you…you have done some of God’s work here, Dupree Meares.
    People just need to learn the Truth…and NWO will be done.
    This has been started and We, the People,,,will not go back to sleep again.
    There is a Patriotic “Nerve Center” working for the Truth regarding the Oregon equation.
    Hooyah & God Bless.

    • Danielle D Hill said:

      what is the Oregon Equation?. Is there a certain web page to gather information

  3. Hey Dupree Meares Thanks for sharing. If you would please send me the information on where you found this so that I can look it up and also know where this information can be found.

  4. Where can I find the This information ..Id like to read about this if possible. I believe you but I Dig a Tad deeper.ya know… Thank you

    • Anthony Fauci said:

      You wrote your comment before the fake COVID virus propaganda was unleashed and every coward in America fell for the hoax and covered their faces with a cult initiation device. Millions have since given up their lives to the death jab and gone to sleep permanently. Care to revise your comment, or are you one of those who took the fakeccine and are now pushing up daisies?

  5. Former Old Guard US Army Infantryman said:

    There may be an old definition of the flag we as Americans fly daily during times of peace as a “war flag”, but this is another lesson in denotation and connotation. The meaning of having it designated as strictly a “war flag” has lost that connotation long ago. Maybe we can come to the realization that it means freedom, liberty, refuge for the oppressed and also eternal vigilance of the American ideals that put wrongs right throughout the world and here at home. Fly it Proudly and Respectfully…. ALWAYS!!

    • barbara pollard said:

      I met a man who was naked beside me in the shopping center. He remarked about the magnetic 9/11 sign on my car…..he was very vocal about it being the bush family that orchestrated all of it. and about a big #7 that later collapsed. no birth certificate, no SS#…claims that the standard american flag is a war you know this kind of rhetoric…what group?

      • The Dude said:

        Was he a state national? A birth certificate registers you with the State, but a certificate of birth proves you were born here.

      • Donnie said:

        At the time of 9/11 the Bushes had some of Bin Laden’s family here because they’re friends with them. It’s known that they actually snuck them out of the states to safety on Airforce One of all things. Bush was always a fake and bought both of his “elections”.

    • barbara pollard said:

      parked beside me in the parking lot.

    • Terrance said:

      That flag represents the US GOVERNMENT. The same government that transformed you, and everyone you love into Indentured servitude via the 13th amendment, Which was abolished in the 50 states of the union, but NOT The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. The subcontractors that abused the power deligated to them from The American government. Freedom has NOTHING to do with the flag you know and fly daily. The truth is out there, seek it.

      • Danielle said:

        I’m confused. Ammendment 13 states that slavery or involuntary servitude can not exist. Are you saying that the 50 states of the union abolished this amendment but the government did not or the other way around?

  6. dee said:

    I’ve got a good website for you…”” please, spread the word.

    • Delores said:

      My sources say that Anna VonReitz worked for Planned Parenthood and her husband is a pedo. Dig a bit deeper folks.

      • Amanda Orsefski said:

        Show us your source

  7. Will said:

    YES Dee! and “”

  8. Pete said:

    Where did you find this information? Cite your work, so we can conduct further research. Theories are great; without any further information provided, at the end of the day this is just a theory.

  9. Susan Drummond said:

    Doesn’t the USA need to be at war to keep printing the money? Explains a lot since we have no gold in the bank to back our US dollar & it’s based on the petro dollar. Wonder how they gonna spin that web when they force the e-cars on us All… smh🤬

  10. Nunya Bidness said:

    You’re completely full of shit.

  11. Jason Bearden said:

    Where can I find this information outside of this blog?

  12. Donnie said:

    I seen recently that the one on the bottom is called the war flag and is even used for the purpose with the intent of informing any that the government or it’s representatives and such are not allowed in your home or on your property. This is due to the idea that one is “at war” with the government, much like the one that plagues us today. It’s my understanding that this is the flag that a “3%er” and such minded individuals would want to fly upon their homes. Does anyone know anything of this? Thanks.

  13. J. L. Andersen said:

    Such a sad reality that one of the many lies and deceptions we have all been lead to believe.
    Not knowing our true flag of peace has got to be one of the worst.
    Will we ever have a chance to all know the real truth or will we always have to dig for it.
    No wonder most of the world has a problem with us.
    We have the ability learn and do so much yet very few care to know the truth.!!!

    • Donald Candler said:

      Good to know this is a war flag.

  14. Lindsay Michelle Matney said:

    I am 40 and never knew this

    • Chris said:

      Because it’s false. This flag was made up in the Scarlet Letter and people ran with it. Someone above posted the ACTUAL story of this flag above

  15. Marie Dykeman said:

    I saw my first Peace Flag flying over Camping World on I75 FL North of Ocala today. It was huge. 12.8.22

    I was trying to find a story on it, But couldn’t.
    I did find Huge Flags is Camping World thing and alot of times they have to get govn approval to fly it.

  16. Heidi Bowden said:

    I think it is sad that our country has had to be at war or under military operations for so long that most Americans haven’t seen our country’s peace flag.

  17. M. said:

    Ich weise darauf schon seit Jahren hin.
    Aber damit würde ich für blinde, zum Reichsbürger, Verschworungstheoretiker, Nazi.
    Und jetzt Aktuell, ohne Gerichtsverfahren, zum Volksverhetzer.
    Wahrheit mag der Westen nicht.😢

  18. Tom said:

    Might have to bring back The Midnight Judges Act (also known as the Judiciary Act of 1801; 2 Stat. 892, and officially An act to provide for the more convenient organization of the Courts of the United States) represented an effort to solve an issue in the U.S. Supreme Court during the early 19th century. There was concern, beginning in 1789, about the system that required the Justices of the Supreme Court to “ride circuit” and reiterate decisions made in the appellate level courts.(112) The Supreme Court Justices had often expressed concern and suggested that the judges of the Supreme and circuit courts be divided. The Act was repealed by Congress on January 22, 1802

  19. Linwood Taylor said:

    I was just listening to someone and they said that there’s Two American Flags?!..
    Now I’m 59 years young and this is My First Time Ever Hearing About This!!,
    Sure I had to look it up and (Damn)It’s True. Why School never said or Used it (Peace Flag ) just the War Flag!!!????.

    • Chris said:

      It’s false. This flag was made up in the Scarlet Letter and people just ran with it and have made newer versions to use at political rallies and such

  20. Matthew Protheroe said:

    First of all, I will NEVER pledge allegiance to this flag, as I’m not swearing allegiance with the British parliament. I agree that we need to stand and take back our country, but it’s not likely going to happen because too many people are brainwashed and indoctrinated into believing that these democrats are doing the best job they’ve ever seen. ”It isn’t hard for the wolf to find the sheep when the flock is fast asleep.” ~Tom MacDonald. ”The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots alike. As it is it’s natural manure.” ~Thomas Jefferson

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